African Prints in the Spotlight

A super-hot trend, what’s not to love?

African Inspired print fabric collectionOur favourite celebs have been spotted in these gorgeous prints, and we couldn’t be happier. African-inspired designs are taking off and it’s about time too…

Think bold geometric patterns set in a riot of colour.  

Africa has such a rich mish-mash of cultures, which ultimately results in its own unique style. Let the rest of the world have their monotone fashions. Here in Africa we are loud and proud and nothing shows that off more than our colourful, bold and beautiful fabric designs. Let your imagination take flight when you design your perfect outfit, jacket, skirt, pants, bag, or even a jewellery piece using these incredible prints. Whether you keep to a more traditional style or go for something funky and way out, make sure that these African-inspired must haves are part of your wardrobe.

If you find yourself in the iconic streets of South Africa’s playful city, Durban, why not pop in to one of our stores to find your fashion inspiration…

*Images are for illustrative purposes only and fabrics available while stocks last.